10 day challenge! Friday, Sep 7 2012 


Now, I found this on Google images as I quite enjoyed the 30 day challenge I did in about two days!

As per tradition I shall do this one in just one post! Here it goes!

Ten Secrets:

1) I liked my boyfriend whilst he was going out with my best friend, awful I know

2) I still haven’t told a lot of my close friends about a hugely close death in my family, I don’t  really like to share stuff like that

3) I cheated on my ex boyfriend of over five years (on and off) several times, again, awful I know!

4) I am hugely jealous of pretty much every girl my boyfriend talks to- pathetic, I know.

5) When I plucked my first nipple hair I felt like a Chewbacca and nearly cried.

6) I always want to have a massive accident, like death threatening just to see how people would react. Awful? Insecure? Stupid?

7) Sometimes I don’t do clothes washing or have a shower for absolutely ages- disgusting.

8) I’ve slightly thrown up on my boyfriend’s dick. Yes, I know horrific. He still doesn’t know, it was a tiny bit, I wiped it away, sent him to get me juice and febrezed the shit out of the room. In my defence I was really hungover and he pushed my head down too much.

9) I know this is horrific but I don’t think I could deal with having a disabled child. I know that is completely dreadful but I just don’t know how I would cope!

10) I get really anxious about really silly things such as my boyfriend seeming to be a bit off or a friend not responding to a text for a while, I get easily worried I did something wrong.

Nine Loves:

1) My family

2) My boyfriend

3) My cat

4) My gecko

5) University

6) Sex

7) Cuddling

8) Those websites that let you watch practically anything online

9) (I know I’m cheating a bit here but…) Friends, smoking, going out, drinking

Eight Fears:

1) Spiders

2) Getting broken up with

3) Doing something ridiculously embarrassing like peeing myself in public

4) Being shouted at and general confrontations (I hate it, it scares me and I’m highly likely to cry)

5) Cancer

6) Not being able to have children or for them to have any kind of disabilities

7) Never getting married to someone I am crazy about or them cheating on me

8) Rape

Seven Wants:

1) To get married and have a happy family

2) To have a job I extreamly enjoy

3) To stay with my boyfriend as long as I want to and as long as I love him and he still treats me the way he does

4) My boyfriend to have less female friends

5) For my family to be healthy

6) For my little brother to have everything he wants in life

7) For my dad to meet someone he loves again

Six Places:

1) London: I live here now

2) Russia: I was born here, my grandparents live here, it is still one of my favourite places!

3) Leicester: I go to university here and I adore it!

4) Furteventura (Canary Islands): The first place me and my boyfriend went to on holiday, just the two of us.

5) Ireland: Where every boyfriend and guy I’d got with before my current boyfriend had some kind of roots. This is also the place my boyfriend said we were going instead of the Canary Islands right up until we were at the airport!

6) America: Where I desperately want to go ASAP.

Five Foods:

1) Taco’s: Me and my boyfriend eat these constantly, he cooks them bloody amazing!

2) Noodles: The only thing I can make nearly as good as my boyfriend, and the only thing I can afford to eat when I’m done living like a rock-star for the best part of the month!

3) Spaghetti-Bolognese: We used to have a night for this when I was younger and I just love it! I don’t really like the chunks though, I like it meaty, with juice, and heaps of pasta.

4) Chicken Wrap: You can get these amazing ones with salad and some amazing sauce at a kebab shop near me; it’s cheap and tastes fucking amazing, I get it pretty much at every opportunity!

5) Chicken Bhuna: My favourite Indian dish.

Four Books:

1) ‘Orix and Crake’ by Margaret Atwood: Easily one of my favourite books!

2) ‘Pride and Prejustice’ by Jane Austen: One of my favourite Austen books and the one which got me into classics

3) ‘The Dutchess’ by Amanda Foreman: Brilliant book about how women were crucial to political campaigns even in the 17th century, a story with factual evidence about Georgiana, the Dutchess of Devonshire.

4) ‘Winnie the Pooh’ by A.A. Mills: Come on, a childhood classic like this had to be mentioned, such a beautiful book.

Three Films

1) The Butterfly Effect

2) The Notebook

3) Hannibal

Two Songs:

1) ‘Wherever You Will Go’ by The Calling

2) ‘Fireflies’ by Owl City

One Picture (of yourself)

I really don’t think so! At least not yet…

But here’s a funny one I chuckled over for ages:


Grace x

Some more fantastic! Tuesday, Aug 21 2012 

I stopped doing the last one as I felt it was getting a bit long, when it was published I realised it wasn’t at all! I’m really enjoying this question business, if you want the full list and where it came from just go on the post named ‘Fantastic’ there’s a link to the blogger who had it on their page
6. Write thirty interesting facts about yourself.
1) I can speak fluent Russian 2) I have a weird growth growing on my foot which feels like an extra bone 3) I have my boyfriend’s name tattooed on the inside of my right foot (‘ Well, this seemed like a good idea’ is the title of that post) 4) I have a gecko which I bought because I was bored one day 5) I love reading and Margaret Atwood’s ‘Orix and Crake’ is my favourite book 6) I don’t leave clubs, I get thrown out of clubs 7) I’ve been arrested for trying to beat up a guy who was about 6’5 when I was drunk (I’m 5’4) 8) I used to do a lot of cross country running 9) I get on significantly better with girls than I do guys 10) One of my back teeth is split in half because one of the recent times I went clubbing a group of guys fighting fell onto me and smashed it and I haven’t been to the dentist yet 11) I had sex for the first time when I was 16 and it was on Christmas Eve 12) I’m a bit of a private nudist, by which I mean I don’t really wear clothes when I’m by myself or with the boyfriend 13) I’ve been told I have a weirdly high sex drive 14) When I was little I cracked my head open while chasing our pet parrot 15) I would love to present one of those historical documentaries, but not one of the boring ones 16) Even when the fridge is stacked full of yummy food I prefer the 11p noodles from Tesco’s 17) I never liked Indian food until I worked in an Indian restaurant for 3 months (after this time I was fired, more on this in a different post I promise its hilarious) 18) (Not going to lie, getting a bit stuck now) I’m allergic to many many many things (cats, feathered pillows, dust, dogs, some creams, that paste you can put on your legs to make your hair fall out, the list just goes on and on) 19) I love reading in the toilet, even when I’m not using it, I’m not entirely sure why 20) I have broken many electrical devises due to bringing them into the bathroom while I wash 21) I can blow really good smoke rings 22) I can be a wide variety of personalities when drunk, for example: angry, loving, horny, bitchy etc. 23) When I got my A-level results (ABB) and realised I wasn’t going to get into the universities I had applied to I got rather drunk and had to call various other universities in a bit of a drunken stupor, somehow I still managed to get into a very good one 24) When drawing stick men mine always seem to have penises as I make their bodies too long and put their legs too high up 25) When I was younger I used to think I could sing and wanted to be a pop star, one night I had my headphones in and must of been singing away (beautifully I believe) when my dad burst shouting “are you all right why were you screaming” 26) I was too terrified to use tampons until a few months ago 27) I fantasise/ daydream a lot… I really hope some of those come true! 28) Somehow, my current boyfriend has managed to make me like days in bed hugging way more than going out 29) I want to get married and have kids in my early 20’s 30) BLOGGING AND READING BLOGS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!