RyanAir don’t have an email for complaints? Saturday, Mar 16 2013 

…Not surprised, they would probably get swamped and the system would crash.

How can a company as large as this one not have an email for complaints- its either a phone call (obviously at extortionate prices), a fax (now where would I even find one of those), or an actual letter (really? Would email not be easier for the both of us?).

Well, I guess it is a huge detergent but as they do owe me for two plane tickets I do want to pursue this, any ideas or tips?

Also, their whole ‘9?% of our flights are on time’ and when they have that cheer thing at the end. That is complete bollocks. They predict their flights to take longer than any other flying to the same destination and when I went last month had to audacity to play that fucking clapping when we were over 40 minutes late.

Highly unimpressed.

– Also

-On the holiday I managed to loose my bag and find it three days later on the side of the road with everything still in it.

– Airlines which aren’t traditionally thought of as ‘budget’ are actually often around the same price with food being given and a much easier and more pleasant journey



I wonder what it’s like to be wanted everyday Thursday, Mar 7 2013 

I don’t feel like he really wants me around I mean, sure, he’ll say I’m welcome, he won’t say no to me coming but he won’t explicitly ask me to come. It’s getting to the point where it’s a bit ridiculous now. He seems perfectly content not to see me for two weeks and, since it will be the Easter break then, it will only really be with other people except for night time.

I just want him to be the one ringing me and asking me to come over, the one who sits wondering what he’s doing. I can’t even really talk to him as it always turns into an argument and he just doesn’t understand at all- he’s felt needed and wanted everyday for over two years. I’m not sure what percentage of that can be said for me; but it’s not high.

I want to go see him today, and I know I can, but now we’re in a bad mood with each other and the pub is looking like a much more fun option.

The reception cut out while we were arguing on the phone and he still hasn’t rang back- who am I kidding, I’m clearly going to be the one that rings him, my resolve is pathetic.

I wonder what it’s like to be wanted everyday.



The Butchering of the Time Traveler’s Wife Monday, Feb 18 2013 

I have been away for far too long, I’m not entirely sure what it is but I think when times are pretty decent I just don’t blog, I mean, I began the blog when my boyfriend cut his hand open and had to have surgery in the hope of regaining movement and feeling…

Everything’s pretty peachy now, but I do miss blogging.

First order of business… I have just watched The Time Traveler’s Wife…

time lala
I read the book on holiday with my boyfriend and it was amazing, touching, dark and beautifully written. It is definitely one of the best books I have read this year, and there has been some pretty top notch competition from Margaret Atwood so yes, definitely a stunning novel.

Now, I am no fool, I was aware that the film would by no means be as good as the book- I mean, when is the film ever better? But really, this, this two hour distortion of a heavily dark novel into a chick-flick with some time travel thrown in just for fun?

[Spoiler alert]

There was a great variety I found rather crap about the film, however, these five really got me going:

1) Ingrid? Where the fuck is Ingrid…what about her friend, what on earth is going on? The suicide? the whole relationship? Potentially the darkest character in the book? Just no comment, they basically left out Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice

2) Why does he still have feet at the end of the movie? Why can he walk? No, just no…although the injury is mentioned it is in no way as dramatic as in the novel and hence the repercussions are servery limited

3) So Gomez and Clare didn’t have sex, I see, Gomez is also apparently a highly one dimensional character, as is his relationship with Charrise? Fantastic

4) Dr. Kendrick doesn’t have a son with downs syndrome anymore, come on guys, it’s a dark and difficult novel- you can’t change things for some sort of light prediction

5) Clare and Henry’s relationship- Another typical romance film, brilliant, that is just what I wanted, I really could not find any to watch

…So, my beautifully complex and deep novel is now a chick-flick. Immense disappointment.

I understand that the entire book may not have been able to be shoved into a film slot, however, Pirates of the Carribean was four hours, so was the Italian Job…people still loved them. Also, when cutting out areas of a book- do not change the genre, it will not be appreciated.

Many Thanks

Grace x


HAPPY NEW YEAR Sunday, Dec 30 2012 

This is most likely going to be my last post this year as tomorrow I am off to a friend’s university house for a New Year’s Eve house party! So, I thought I would make a rather New Year themed post.

1) If there was a Christmas scrooge equivalent to New Year I would not be that person, Christmas I am not a fan off, but New Year, that I am totally on the bandwaggon with!

2) …Which is actually quite odd since I haven’t had a good New Years in absolutely ages. With my ex there were always arguments and there was one year where he followed me to a party and managed to get the phone numbers of all my friends- leading to a lot of harassment and hassle for everyone

3) Last year with my current boyfriend out New Years was spent with his parents amidst cheating allegations

…So, apparently, although I have had some horrendously bad New Year Eve’s I am just in love with the concept and I love how this is something which isn’t promoted as a solely family event and is more based on friends and having a good time rather than paying your dues to various family members


I just hope I have my first good new years in absolutely ages…
and am wishing a New Year to everyone reading 🙂

Grace x

Christmas is over Wednesday, Dec 26 2012 

I enjoyed the first cigarette today when I got back home from my nans house. They know I smoke and they smoke yet I don’t feel comfortable smoking there.

Kind of like sex…people know it happens but it isn’t mentioned.

Christmas was okay but I just wanted to get home, it seems that a lot of Christmas sentiments are made up really, it doesn’t feel like what happens is real. It doesn’t seem like anyone really wants to be there all that much and everyone just wants to get back to their respective houses. I think my family have branched into their own families and that’s where they really want to be.

Christmas was a lot better when I was younger. Now it’s filled with unsaid tensions.

I’m glad it’s done now and I can look forward to New Years Eve. That feels more real. That’s done with friends and it’s clear that if you’re invited people want you there, you’re not going to get an invite to a New Year’s Eve party out of some sort of family loyalty.

I don’t know if the whole argument with my boyfriend has blown over.

It wasn’t too bad this year but I am so glad Christmas is over

Grace x

‘Facials’ – And not the £40 spa kind Monday, Dec 24 2012 


In this month’s Cosmopolitan there was an article about what men like to do in bed that women have mixed feelings about. Amongst the obvious threesomes and anal exploration one aspect of this article focused on ejaculating onto a woman’s face. Now, this caught my eye as a few months ago my boyfriend asked me to do it when he was drunk and it has since happened a few more times (including last night after our argument- well, that’s one way to shorten his annoyance with me).

Within the article the discussion focused around whether or not this act was degrading to women. When I looked further into the topic the aspect of degradation continued to appear with great prevalence.

Now, the question which popped into my mind was- if this is degrading surely other sexual acts can also be deemed as degrading to women? Some examples which came to mind are doggy, jizzing on boobs and spanking. I also tried to think of what acts could be seen as sexually degrading to mean and couldn’t think any to name. Turning to the trusted Google search I was also fruitless in any sexual acts which were stated as sexually degrading to men.

It appears only women can be degraded and only acts men can do are sexually degrading. Blow jobs were often high on degradation lists, however licking a woman out appears to be seen as a sign of a guy who cares about you and your pleasure. It seems only women can be degraded and there isn’t really anything which can typically degrade a men.

Personally I do not think any of these acts are degrading. I think the concept that many women would do acts they find degrading to men is degrading. Women have a choice and they do not typically need to do anything they do not want to do. I have done all the acts discussed and never felt degraded.

I think degradation comes from much deeper roots than the act you are preforming- for example, from being forced to do something you are not comfortable with.

I think you should do whatever you and your partner are happy with. Stop thinking about whether you are being degraded and instead consider whether you yourself are against these acts- that’s what truly matters.
Of course this is only my personal opinion- what do you readers think?

Grace x

Explosion Monday, Dec 24 2012 

Yesterday me and some friends went to a pub, my boyfriend was amongst the group that went.

He had made a pub quiz for us all to do and when the pub closed decided to carry on doing it outside.

I was freezing and made a fuss about us just going home as I hadn’t slept the night before; was ridiculously cold; and just believed the night was over.

He still continued with the quiz and insisted I stayed when I tried to leave even thought I said he could just come home after me.

Anyway, we walked home in complete silence with me putting my headphones on.

When we got home he gave me a kiss on the head and said bye- apparently he was going to his dads.

He walked off and after having a little cry on the street I followed him.
I think the above picture is the only way to describe what happened next…

He completely exploded about me always wanting to get my own way and being weird about him being friends with girls. He then refused to come back to mine.

It was a truly horrific night with a lot of crying and I genuinely thought we were breaking up.

Finally, he came back home.

I was so tired and a bit drunk and kept falling asleep and thinking of Pokemon during the conversation.

We fought about me not liking him being friends with girls and I said I got jealous of any girl spending more time with him than I do- he said no girl does. I said I didn’t like the way some of his friendships were.

The argument ended for him in me saying I would chill about girls and wouldn’t be so pushy.

I think this is definitely one of the most horrific arguments we’ve had.

We went to Christmas lunch at his and he says everything is fine and we’re okay and he loves me. I worry that he’ll change his mind.

I hate that I don’t get to see him till the day after Boxing Day- consequently that is also his birthday.

I’m guessing this Christmas isn’t going to be particularly great.

Grace x

Shopping, sales and sleep deprevation Sunday, Dec 23 2012 

I haven’t slept tonight, seems to be a rather clear corrolation between not being with my boyfriend and not sleeping which is absolutely crap to be honest.

However, I did make my first purchase for the holiday we’re going on in January, took me forever to find the complete set and now my UK size 6 self is going to end up wearing UK size 14 bottoms as I fell so in love with this bikini and couldn’t find bottoms of any smaller size anywhere!

However, I will do whatever it takes to sort this outfit out and for it to be okay…I mean, this, for only £11? Home delivery before New Years Eve?

Irresistible ❤


Grace x

Everything has a price and prices are everything Sunday, Dec 23 2012 

“You can’t buy it, but it has a price,” said Oryx. “Everything has a price.” 

-Margaret Atwood, ‘Oryx and Crake’

I love Oryx and Crake, it is definately one of my favourite books and if anyone if a fan of destopian novels and has not read it- well, I’d say run, run to your nearest bookstore or to your purse to buy it online. It’s amazing.

Anyway, tonight I found myself reaching for this book and flicking through it, just remembering reading it and how amazed I was by it- then the above quote jumped out at me. It is so applicable, I mean, of course in the destopian context it would make sense, but even now, in such a consumer concerned world, not all things with a price can be bought.

Now, thinking about it, it appears that this quote can be taken in three ways

A) You simply cannot buy certain things, for example, no matter how much money you have, you cannot buy your way into a society who is made up of those who have spent their lives there (very Great Gatsby I know)

B) Some things don’t cost money but do cost a different kind of price (sex seems to jump to mind)

C) Whatever we have comes at a price

All of these seem highly applicable. In disucssion of point A, when you actually think about it there is an endless list of things you can buy to get closer to that something you cannot buy:

– Respect: of course money can bring a degree of respect, such as you would have for your employer, however, it is not a true kind of respect as you would have for someone who is say a brilliant parent

– Love: You can try all you want, but essentially the more you throw money at love the less ‘love’ the love becomes

– Experiances: Yes, you can fund amazing experiances and do all you wish with your loved ones but me and my boyfriend has a brilliant day sitting in bed  eating one 11p noodles and 90p chicken nuggets!

In terms of point B:

Sometimes money just isn’t what people want. Think, Russia at the beginning of the 90’s- people were often paid in produce for their work as that is what is ultimately wanted. Sometimes money is just money which is essentially just paper, which is essentially a tree which cost money to cut down so it could be made into money (fascinating stuf eh?)

…And point C:

Try doing anything without some sort of concequences

” You can try to ignore the facts, but everything will always have a price, even if you can’t understand what that price is yet’

-Grace Port, WordPress.com

Grace x

‘People say something happy after they think of something sad’ Sunday, Dec 23 2012 

My friend said this to me today as we were walking home today. Now, of course I denied that I had been thinking of anything sad when I randomly shouted ‘waheyyy, can’t wait for New Years!’

And yes, at first I thought this comment was rather cynical, however, when I thought about it, I found that it actually seemed rather correct. Who doesn’t want to replace sad thoughts with happy ones?

Grace x

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